Answer. Multiple compression fractures.
This case demonstrates multiple compression fractures, including C7-T2. The case is challenging since alignment and other findings are fairly unremarkable. Note that the anterior C6-C7 interspace appears subtly widened, reflecting the mild compression of the anterior C7 vertebral body. There is slight height loss and contour abnormality of the T1-T2 superior endplates. Although it can be difficult to distinguish acute from chronic compression fractures on CT, this case was a young adult in the setting of trauma and no prior examinations. Acute fractures must be considered and were confirmed on MRI.
Note the height loss C7-T2. Depending on exam coverage and technical factors, the upper thoracic spine may be well-evaluated on a cervical spine study.
MRI confirms these are recent fractures (and also demonstrates a T3 compression fracture)