Trivia Question 26 Answer
Brachycephaly. 'Brakhu' translates to 'short.' Seen with bilateral coronal suture craniosynostosis
Dolichocephaly. 'Dolikhos' translates to 'long.' Seen with sagittal suture craniosynostosis.
Scaphocephaly. 'Scaphe' translates to 'boat.' Form of dolichocephaly with ridging.
Plagiocephaly. 'Plagios' translates to 'oblique.' Seen with unilateral lambdoid suture craniosynostosis (or anterior plagiocephaly with unilateral coronal suture involvement)
Turricephaly. 'Turri' translates to 'tower.' Seen with bilateral lambdoid suture craniosynostosis.
Trigonocephaly. 'Trigonos' translates to three angles. Seen with metopic suture craniosynstosis.
Lambdoid suture. Named after the Greek letter lambda, which the suture resembles.
Bonus: Kleeblattschadel. 'Kleeblatt' in German translates to cloverleaf. Seen with concurrent coronal, sagittal, and lambdoid suture craniosynostosis.